The Kepoh Sign Says:

Friday, April 07, 2006

Fuck Face.

Some people wear 'em all the time, some don't even know they have one on, some are just born with one..

Let me elaborate. Y'see, meeting new people can be a scary thing. Growing up, i was always told that its easy for me since the gift of gab is pretty much one of the only gifts i've got..But there are people who have had to overcome this serious problem of shyness or the feeling of intimidation when they meet new people..that's still fine, especially in Asian culture where society is generally not as vocal as our Western counterparts. But in that process, i think us Asians, more specifically, KL-lians have developed this thing called the fuck face. The fuck face is a tricky thing because you never really know if the person you're meeting is just born with one but could turn out to be the loveliest person in the world OR just be putting on the fuck face for your benefit when you meet.

You know how it go to a club, you're meeting people and there's allllways that one person who gives you the fuck face. When you're introduced, she/he gives a limp fake smile and then just doesn't smile or look like they're having fun the rest of the night..wait, now that i think of it the fuck face isn't just limited to the face. Sometimes, it travels and ends up affecting the person's personality as well. Like my experience last night, was out with my girls having a brilliant boogie night down at a certain club when Cranky* shows up. (Keep in mind that i've been introduced, had a conversation and even partied with Cranky before) So i'm all excited to see a friend and she, meanwhile does the fuck face turns to me and says "have we met before?" (*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of said person..hey, even bitches have a right to live)

its just annoying lah you know?and yes of course there's the possibility that she did forget me because she was drunk on the numerous occasions that we've met before or hell, maybe i'm just not that memorable but i'm 100% sure that's like a 0.0000001% chance.

ok, i admit that i HAVE fallen prey to the fuck face a couple of times in my life. But sometimes the fuck face is a necessary and recommended shield against people like Cranky. Weird huh?i reckon maybe it just has to be controlled usage or doled out in small dosages or something..hmmmm...


stefling said...

hahahahaha...thanksmuch for the vote of confidence..remind me to buy you a drink kay?:P

Sass O said...

ei i admit i have been a fuckface before! lol...but not to the extent of not remembering someone la.

so so when you gonna take me clubbing?

stefling said...

hahahahaha..forgawdsakes get your butt back here first then we tok ok?:P

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