The Kepoh Sign Says:

Thursday, July 13, 2006


the funniest thing happened to me this morning at about 3am..ok, but first you need to know that ive been sleep deprived ok?i mean, the goal last night was basically to sleep..thats it..that was my plan..really one..

so anyway, my phone rang, the number was private. i thought maybe it was one of my friends needing to have a chat so i picked up. the lady on the other end had an english accent and she told me she was from elite modelling and had i ever heard of the organisation anyone who knows me knowss i hate being awoken from sleep, especially when i havent slept in i'm all like "yeah, ive heard of you" and she goes "oh great thats fantastic cos we're recruiting models". (see,this is how young girls get conned) so im like "why are you recruiting models on the phone?isnt it like kinda vital that you, y'know, take a look at them first? (i mean, like hello!)"

she goes on to tell me that many women have the presumption that models have to be tall and beautiful but they actually dont...then she asked for my vital statistics, if i've got any tattoos or piercings or birthmarks..and then it got interesting...she asked me the following:

1. how many sexual partners have you had?
2. what is your favourite sexual position?
3. how big was the biggest guy you've ever been with?
4. what was the best sex you've ever had?
5. what race were your sexual partners?
6. what are your most sensitive parts?
7. would you do a threesome?

there were more but i've forgotten them on account of me being she goes on to tell me they organise these private parties and rich men come and pay and you're not obliged to do anything, its a controlled environment and the security is anyways, after kepoh-ing and finding out everything, i just told her i wasnt interested. she said she would call again to check if i had changed my mind...she was a nice girl, it was a nice chat...but HOW FUCKIN DODGY IS THEIR ENTIRE SETUP??geeezzz..what if young girls pick up, man?how the fuck did they get my number?and why the fuck am i so sleepy??

whole lotta crazy shit happening in the world today..


Anonymous said...

oooo.... so..errr,, did u get her number incase i wana have a private party of my own? hahaha...Crazy man..

But i wonder how they got ur number and why they call at 3am!!??

p/s Hey , stop being a stranger...Jess and me been trying to call u to catch up...grrrr... heheh ;P

stefling said...

eh, you're the busy one lah...being a dj finalist and all!:P

eh, you where got call???dont have also!!unless you guys have been calling using a private which case you know why i havent been picking up!:D

Anonymous said...

ahhh.. so thats why..ok time will call u using MY number so a BIG BIG SIVA HP (if thats how you labeled me) comes up... call u soon then :)