the 'EX'-factor.
yellow my dumplings!how've you guys been?good?its been awhile..and let's see what's happened:
- ciggies gone up by 40 bloody cents..(dunhill/marlboro pek besar). my new strategy is to only smoke on the hour.1pm,smoke,2pm,smoke..and so on and so forth..we'll see...
-the eye is making tremendous recovery..went for two follow ups and turns out, i CAN wear contacts again!!!in two months,yay!!so naturally, in my excitement i went to buy NOT ONLY new contacts, but CAAARRRER CONTACKS AH!!!(you know lah, all chinese girls very heng wear caarrer contack one what!got green caaarer,grey caaarer,haaney caarrer..)
- the speedzone rave sucked. Luckily i had mr. green for company.
thats juan and ends trying to prop my head up..not at my classiest that night,im afraid..*blush*
-i've learnt a new means the appearance of being true or, the english language is first 6-consonant word..bring that scrabble board out baby!
hokay, so now that we've gotten the zzzzz stuff outta way, lets talk about mean, ex.
we read about justin and britney, demi,bruce and ashton and of course, who can forget the whole brangelina/anniston split? then we tell ourselves "its hollywood". well, at least thats what i used to tell myself. these past couple o'months for me has been like being in tinseltown itself.. the screams, the stalking, the threats/black mails, the constant analysing, the tears, the physical, its not from some new action's real life.
Lately i seem to find certain wonderful friends of mine who are normally intelligent, attractive and brilliant turn into worried, wobbly pieces of jelly when they happen to bump into their ex. Others run the other way. Some pretend not to notice their ex, even when the said person is standing right in front of them. And some of the really kepoh ones?They ask friends, who ask their friends, who hear from OTHER friends how their exes are doing..and by the time the story gets back to the original fella, his ex is made out to be a Medusa who sleeps around and stuffs her boobs and drives badly...or something to that effect.
i guess i dont understand it. i mean, if you've loved someone before, then how in the world does all this ugliness manifest?where'd the love go?shouldn't it evolve into a certain understanding that the relationship didnt work so just wish each other well?why the bitching?(and trust me,lately, it seems to be coming from the guys..metrosexual my ass lah, if you start bitching about your chick then you've bloody turned gay and havent realised it lah wei..)
ah's too short innit? so if you happen to be feeling a lil here -->i like you soon..
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