The Kepoh Sign Says:

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

You love me!!You really love me!!

....either that or you're just really kepoh,huh?

so ok..for you people you got like no patience...tough shit, you still gotta wait till the new year to get my new blogger address..

meanwhile my darlings, sit tight and pretend my blog's like's re-run time!

sorry i havent been keepin up with the posts. 2 reasons: a)work b)no more social life.

so!with the christmas and new year season looming upon us once again, i'd just like to say be merry people, and i love you guys and thank you so much for the lovely concerned emails i've been receiving regarding FAYKOT. thank you for reading. drink alot, party hard and have safe sex (AIDS plug).

I'll see you in the New Year!!!



p/s- tyler, it wasnt supposed to matter what fish, you doinky doo!


UnkleBus said...

but i like fish

merry christmas :)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas sista! give me a ring when you're back from Singapore. I want to wish mom too!

stefling said...

unklebus: same to you babaloo!ooh and happy new year incase all the phone-lines go crazy..:P

bro: been trying to call ya for the past few days but my mobile line's been down..bloody taiwanese earthquake..the net's been pretty bad too..happy new year's much k?kepp yourself warm and drink cocoa and all that good stuff..hugs.