The Kepoh Sign Says:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

7th year of the new millenium.

ola!!!how was your holidays??didja eat alot?i did..and now i'm gonna pay...

obviously you've discovered by now that my blog address is still the same. it is. this was a very simple yet effective way to get rid of all the people who just didnt care enough and who just wanted to kepoh for kepoh's sake.pftttt. but for you lovelies who came back to SWEETHEARTS!!!kiss kisss kisss..

ok, fine. so i didnt manage to distract you from the actual truth which is that i simply got lazy to update.i'm sorry.(hangs head in shame)

buuuutttt..its the new year and all so im sure you're all ready to forgive and forget right?*grin*

hokay..soooooo let's seee what's happened..things always manage to happen very quickly so its impossible to keep up and let you know every measly dirty detail so im just gonna give ya the juicies kay?cool..

there was the pre-chrismas present opening with the chicas and that was lovely..naturally "something" always has to happen so just as they arrived and i planned and cleaned and everything: the electricity went off!can ja belive eet?!!but we kept our cool (barely!) and it came on again after a very romantic 30 minutes with us talking in the dark and getting bitten by mozzies..

The electricity came on in a sudden hence the cross-eyed effect.

jess, opium, gonzales (he's the penguin on the left..he makes quite a number of appearances..camwhore..)

here's juan being a dramaqueen when she discovers that i got her an i.o.u. hahahahhahahahaha..her present has since been picked up and is waiting for when i see her next..ends tries to comfort her but to no avail..:P

yes,those are soft toys. i know, i know...blame it on the damn christmas spirit or whatever..

i've somehow managed to go through 30-something episodes of the twilight zone in 3 days..i dont know how i let it happen..but it's still a pretty damn good series after all these years, i gonna scurry home to get my fix..

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