The Kepoh Sign Says:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rose Coloured Glasses.

people are essentially good. people essentially care when it counts. at least this is what i choose to believe. despite extenuating circumstances that point to the contrary. despite the crazy pettiness you hear, despite the ugliness you see, despite, despite, despite. because when you least expect it, people come thru. not neccessarily at the point in time you want them, but at the time you need them.

my rose coloured glasses started getting darker and darker this year for some reason. tried to polish it, tried to wash it, tried to wipe it but no avail. and y'know, those damn glasses started affecting me. guess cos when i looked out, it was pitch black. so i got scared. then i got bitter. then i got so angry. and those glasses just got blacker and blacker until one day, i couldnt see any more.

and just when i had about given up, a shadow loomed. it wouldnt go away. i yelled and i kicked but it wouldnt go away.
it was like "you dont need sunnies on all the time,dudette!we're here and we'll protect you from that damn sun". and then more shadows came. and i pushed and i shoved but the shadows wouldnt budge. they were there to make the glasses light again. i didnt make it easy for them but they persisted. they cried with me, they cursed with me, they ate with me, they shopped with me and they even travelled with me.

and now my glasses are as good as new. well,not quite, but it's getting there.....

.........people are essentially good..... you just gotta want to look for it in them...


Anonymous said...

so deeeep......

but i dun un anyway. hahahah have a great trip at singapore girl~ ciao~

stefling said...

juan: aiyah you know my writing lah, you dont have to un to get it lah..:)

Sunshine said...

Hey ling!!How's it going??Hmp..S'pore shopping again??buy lots and update more..ehh dun update stuff the "public" dun understand okay??:P..Miss u tons..

stefling said...

sunshine: :) love the just brightened my day! eh your highness, will try to update as much as possible lah but you think easy ah?somemore not getting paid lehh..:P take care babes!