The Kepoh Sign Says:

Monday, May 22, 2006

hermit or hoop jumper?

y'know, friends constantly ask me why i dont go out nowadays. (And i 'm sorry, i dont mean to make this another self-indulgent blog entry since there have been so many of late and you guys have been the patientest people ever..but you knowlah..self realisation/actualisation/whatever it is that bugger maslow called it takes time one mah..wise fella, that maslow..)

ok, back to going out..i have a list and this list lists reasons as to why i dont go out.

1. i've moved out from my parents' therefore i HAVE freedom..and peace..and my own ASTRO. dont need to go out and get it.

2. erm, i work. hard. and that precious commodity i work hard for sometimes doesnt stretch to cover my expenses i.e. expensive dinners, etc when i've already spent an embarassing amount on shoes.

3. i AM going out. Just not with you. *grin*

4. My home hasn't had water supply and i havent had a proper shower in 4 days.

5. My home flooded and i've spent the last week getting it back in order.

6. My home hasn't had electricity in 3 days. I am grumpy and dehydrated from all the sweating. i 'm doing you a favour by not going out with you!

7. doing the horizontal tango.

8. laundry,dishes,groceries,ironing,gym.

9. i'm going out with afew Mr./Ms. Maybes and hopefully one of em will turn out to be Mr./Ms. Right! (yes, i'm not ruling it out)

10. I have to write in my blog to tell you in black & white why i can't go out because apparently subtility is lost on people nowadays..things have to be clearly and specifically spelt out so there's no hard feelings..mannn...those bloody hard feelings..chiak par siew eng i tell you..

as you can tell, these aren't exactly reasons one can blurt out when a friend invites one out. so please, keep in mind the next time your friend turns you down for a night's not personal, they just have their own lists that they keep to. (with the exception of number 3 though, if its number 3 then i suggest you try to be a) nicer b) more considerate or c) less cheap)


Anonymous said...

Horizontal Tango.... cool....

I would stay home for that too...

...Didnt you just say no shower for 4 days....

Horizontal Tango+no shower+ sweat...oooo... interesting... hahaha

You take care babes , i know how you feel :)

Ali. G. said...

ooi!where got no electricity?u dun bruff me ar

stefling said...

siv: you is it that you're capable of making everything sound dirty?tsk tsk..:P

goh: woman..i swear to you..whole of monday and tuesday night tada elektrik..dont tell me you slept thru it ah, you lucky thing?:)

Anonymous said...

hahha... i didnt make it sound dirty.. it IS dirty... heheh :P

Ali. G. said...

i din sleep thru it la as i'm very time pls dial for goh geous licious for pelita or a company k.look who's hak hei!;p