The Kepoh Sign Says:

Friday, October 14, 2005

look around,you're not the only one..

so many people look inward, they think to themselves, why me?why not me? whats wrong with me?me, me me..that they forget to look past themselves for abit and just watch other people for a change. they try desperately to find themselves, they look for validation but meanwhile…its all about them. in my constant search for self-actualisation (Maslow's thingy) i tend to think about how many people i know. Like really knnoooww. without judgement. because i think i've come to a point where i want to take people as they are. good, bad, ugly. whether its one conversation or a hundred, whether its someone you see everyday or someone you're never going to see again. realising how many things i have taken for granted shock me to the core, how many things i am only now learning to be aware of?you're reading this when you should be calling up an old friend or someone that you've really wanted to speak to but just lost the guts/didnt care enough....just do something that makes you feel like you dont think,just is fleeting and you dont need a heart attack to realise your mind. go. do not be not let your ego control you. do not let society dictate what you should be. be you. because at the end of the day, you answer to you. so go, now. prevent divorce, prevent insecurity, prevent yourself from getting into that rut. get out of your comfort zone.doesnt even have to be something big. tell your parents you love them, have sex in the backseat of a car, go have dinner alone, move out, move in, take a drive, smoke some green, get a tattoo,listen to that one song and turn it up, sing, dance, laugh, cry,change your mind, stop bitching, get on the net, tell someone you love them; its not the end of the world, its the beginning..i heard somewhere that we have more planets in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches in our world..and you're busy thinking about you?think deeper, think bigger..

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