The Kepoh Sign Says:

Monday, June 12, 2006

Easy Like Sunday Mornin'...

" What??Change the speed limit to 60?ohhh surrreee, a few lives will be saved but thousands will be late!" - Homer J. Simpson

This weekend was one of the best i've ever ever had..cos everything just fell into place y'know like..."trinnnnnnnngggg" (picture tinkerbell waving her wand or flapping her wings or whatever..)

it was perfect..mainly because instead of one huuuge event taking it all consisted of many many intimate small moments..which to me are amazing cos big moments can be replicated anytime..(hell, as long as you've got 500 bucks and a place to party) but i love the small when you're sitting at a cafe with good friends and you're desperately trying to get into the entire football pandemonium/phenomenon even though it annoys you like hell...or roaming the ss2 area trying to tempt a good friend to get her damn pug...or having a quiet dinner with a galpal who you havent seen in awhile, or having an old friend call you up on his one day stopover in k.l to have drinks, or having a close bud tell you he's going to war (ok,actually that one's a little scary,please pray for him if you believe in God;alternatively, drink for him because i dont think they have alchohol where he's going!)or going grocery shopping with somebody and then cooking with that somebody, and of course, being online again with you guys..(maccie got fixed,shes better than ever!)...*blissful sigh*

didja know that policemen in Milan are dressed by Armani?how fucking cool is that?thats one way to stop em from taking bribes..i mean, if YOU were wearing Armani, would you stoop that low?Wait, we're in Malaysia.Scrap that last line.

i also want to celebrate Sir Roger Vivier, creator of the stiletto. Where would i be without you, O great exalted One*!!He's got a store under the same name and a single pair or shoes there can cost up to 16,000 Euros!i would give my right hand...

*(in no way are any or all fragments from the sentence above related to the Bible,the Quran, the Torah, the Buddhist bible, any other religious record,book, volume, publication, parchment-with the whole Da Vincci Code hoo-ha, one can't be toooo politically correct,no?*sigh*)

hmmmm..i see a mahjong session coming..

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