The Kepoh Sign Says:

Monday, June 19, 2006

too pooped to ponder..

i definitely think that weekends and weekdays should be 5 days of lee-lacksing and 2 days of, that'd be awesome..but then again, being the complicated homo sapiens that we are almost certainly ensures that we'd be dissatisfied with that too, sooner or i guess it's most probably for the best that things remain as they are..:P..velvet was awesome this weekend..stayed till the lights came on and man..suddenly alot of good-looking people became ugly..including a haphazard stef desperately trying to pretend as if her makeup wasnt be a woman sometimes..

speaking of human beings..i looked it up the other day..and i F.O.T.F.C.I.L.(fell off the fuckin chair in laughter). the definition of human being in the Oxford AMERICAN Dictionary: a man, woman or child from the species; distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.

Superior mental development - For an entire month, grown people will be watching 11 other grown men kick a ball around a field. (pardon moi, cheap shot, i know)
Power of Articulate Speech - whoever came up with this definition obviously has not met my friends on a saturday night.
Upright stance - this is pretty much the only one i agree with. wow, guess we ARE better than animals.we have upright stance.

i recall speaking about malaysians being shy in a previous blog entry....NOT WHEN YOU HAVE A DOG!!!!!hooishayman..taking opium around?instant celebrity-ness!from nowhere, i'm like minding my own business when suddenly.."ma!!" "ma!!!" (and the shreaks get louder and more piercing by the way)and when the mother finally replies "whattt???" the kids are like "doggy!!!can i play with the doggy??" (yours truly, by that time, will have inched herself slowly but surely towards the exit...oklah actually, it'd be more of a brisk walk-run), or like yesterday, when i was at my local bintangwang sipping on a hazelnut latte...i met 9 people,no joke! they just keep coming's like im not even there! i mean this is like THE breakthrough answer for shy people (orrr men who wanna meet women!but for gawd's sakes don't lah go and buy a poodle/shitzu type k?not unless you see yourself being part of the Village People..)

ok, i cant keep it in any longer..i've just bought the kurt cobain journals!!excited doesn't even BEGIN to describe how i feel..


su-ann said...

couldn't agree more about the soccer thing hun! i still cant believe they chucked a screen up in velvet.. argh! cant go anywhere without seeing or worse still, hearing Football.

brisk walk?! it's Power Walking babe! Huahaha.. ;p

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