The Kepoh Sign Says:

Friday, June 23, 2006

Life is such an experiment...

..ya never quite know if its gonna blow up in your face or if something unexpectedly beautiful and new gets created...

so as i get ready for bed having enjoyed wonderful company plus tapas for dinner which is as usual 'muy delicioso' (gracias La Bodega!), i cant help but wonder about different they collide or do they absorb each others' mass and become one?

or perhaps in the end it just boils down to chemistry instead of you might be from totally different planets but as long as both of you dont got anything stuck up Uranus (i know you're stifling a giggle) and are willing to like, give and take and understand and talk it out and call each other things like cupcake and poochie-poodles or applecheeks then its all good..


UnkleBus said...

poochie-poodles! ehhehe nice one

stefling said...

thanks pwetty-schweetie!!hahhahahaaha..

UnkleBus said...

feeling warm and fuzzy already ;)

Anonymous said...

if ur talkin about how planets or galaxies are form..i believe its because when 2 masses collideit creates energy and a vacumm which would suck all debries and with the energy all debries get stuck together to form a new mass...

so there for, both ur answers' rite...

but aint it life...there's no right or wrong, the differences is which pair of judgement glasses u put on at the point in time...

love u.
(p/s: sorry... i think i spelled debries wrongly...but phonetically its correct... i hope)

stefling said...

line 4 - debris..

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